Signal1D Tools ************** The methods described in this section are only available for one-dimensional signals in the Signal1D class. .. _signal1D.crop: Cropping -------- In addition to cropping using the powerful and compact :ref:`Signal indexing ` syntax the following method is available to crop spectra using a GUI: The :py:meth:`~.signal.Signal1DTools.crop_spectrum`, method is used to crop the spectral energy range. If no parameter is passed, a user interface appears in which to crop the one dimensional signal. Background removal ------------------ The :py:meth:`~.signal.Signal1DTools.remove_background` method provides background removal capabilities through both a CLI and a GUI. Current background type supported are power law, offset, polynomial and gaussian. By default the background is estimated, but a full fit can also be used. The full fit is more accurate, but slower. Calibration ----------- The :py:meth:`~.signal.Signal1DTools.calibrate` method provides a user interface to calibrate the spectral axis. Alignment --------- The following methods use sub-pixel cross-correlation or user-provided shifts to align spectra. They support applying the same transformation to multiple files. * :py:meth:`~._signals.signal1d.Signal1DTools.align1D` * :py:meth:`~._signals.signal1d.Signal1DTools.shift1D` .. _integrate_1D-label: Integration ----------- The :py:meth:`~._signals.signal1d.Signal1DTools.integrate_in_range` method provides a GUI and a CLI to integrate the 1D signal dimension in a given range using Simpson's rule. Data smoothing -------------- The following methods (that include user interfaces when no arguments are passed) can perform data smoothing with different algorithms: * :py:meth:`~._signals.signal1d.Signal1DTools.smooth_lowess` * :py:meth:`~._signals.signal1d.Signal1DTools.smooth_tv` * :py:meth:`~._signals.signal1d.Signal1DTools.smooth_savitzky_golay` Spike removal -------------- .. versionadded:: 0.5 :py:meth:`~._signals.signal1d.Signal1D.spikes_removal_tool` provides an user interface to remove spikes from spectra. .. figure:: images/spikes_removal_tool.png :align: center :width: 500 Spikes removal tool. Peak finding ------------ A peak finding routine based on the work of T. O'Haver is available in HyperSpy through the :py:meth:`~._signals.signal1d.Signal1DTools.find_peaks1D_ohaver` method. Other methods ------------- * Interpolate the spectra in between two positions :py:meth:`~._signals.signal1d.Signal1DTools.interpolate_in_between` * Convolve the spectra with a gaussian :py:meth:`~._signals.signal1d.Signal1DTools.gaussian_filter` * Apply a hanning taper to the spectra :py:meth:`~._signals.signal1d.Signal1DTools.hanning_taper`