hyperspy.io_plugins.ripple module

hyperspy.io_plugins.ripple.comment = ';'
hyperspy.io_plugins.ripple.default_extension = 0
hyperspy.io_plugins.ripple.description = 'RPL file contains the information on how to read\nthe RAW file with the same name.\nThis format may not provide information on the calibration.\nIf so, you should add that after loading the file.'
hyperspy.io_plugins.ripple.dtype2keys = {'float32': ('float', 4), 'float64': ('float', 8), 'int32': ('signed', 4), 'int64': ('signed', 8), 'uint16': ('unsigned', 2), 'uint8': ('unsigned', 1)}
hyperspy.io_plugins.ripple.endianess2rpl = {'<': 'little-endian', '=': 'dont-care', '>': 'big-endian'}
hyperspy.io_plugins.ripple.file_extensions = ['rpl', 'RPL']
hyperspy.io_plugins.ripple.file_reader(filename, rpl_info=None, encoding='latin-1', mmap_mode='c', *args, **kwds)

Parses a Lispix (http://www.nist.gov/lispix/) ripple (.rpl) file and reads the data from the corresponding raw (.raw) file; or, read a raw file if the dictionary rpl_info is provided.

This format is often uses in EDS/EDX experiments.

Images and spectral images or data cubes that are written in the (Lispix) raw file format are just a continuous string of numbers.

Data cubes can be stored image by image, or spectrum by spectrum. Single images are stored row by row, vector cubes are stored row by row (each row spectrum by spectrum), image cubes are stored image by image.

All of the numbers are in the same format, such as 16 bit signed integer, IEEE 8-byte real, 8-bit unsigned byte, etc.

The “raw” file should be accompanied by text file with the same name and “.rpl” extension. This file lists the characteristics of the raw file so that it can be loaded without human intervention.

Alternatively, dictionary ‘rpl_info’ containing the information can be given.

Some keys are specific to HyperSpy and will be ignored by other software.

RPL stands for “Raw Parameter List”, an ASCII text, tab delimited file in which HyperSpy reads the image parameters for a raw file.


key type description

———- ———— ——————– # Mandatory keys: width int # pixels per row height int # number of rows depth int # number of images or spectral pts offset int # bytes to skip data-type str # ‘signed’, ‘unsigned’, or ‘float’ data-length str # bytes per pixel ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘4’, or ‘8’ byte-order str # ‘big-endian’, ‘little-endian’, or ‘dont-care’ record-by str # ‘image’, ‘vector’, or ‘dont-care’ # X-ray keys: ev-per-chan int # optional, eV per channel detector-peak-width-ev int # optional, FWHM for the Mn K-alpha line # HyperSpy-specific keys depth-origin int # energy offset in pixels depth-scale float # energy scaling (units per pixel) depth-units str # energy units, usually eV depth-name str # Name of the magnitude stored as depth width-origin int # column offset in pixels width-scale float # column scaling (units per pixel) width-units str # column units, usually nm width-name str # Name of the magnitude stored as width height-origin int # row offset in pixels height-scale float # row scaling (units per pixel) height-units str # row units, usually nm height-name str # Name of the magnitude stored as height signal str # Type of the signal stored, e.g. EDS_SEM convergence-angle float # TEM convergence angle in mrad collection-angle float # EELS spectrometer collection semi-angle in mrad beam-energy float # TEM beam energy in keV elevation-angle float # Elevation angle of the EDS detector azimuth-angle float # Elevation angle of the EDS detector live-time float # Live time per spectrum energy-resolution float # Resolution of the EDS (FHWM of MnKa) tilt-stage float # The tilt of the stage date str # date in ISO 8601 time str # time in ISO 8601 title str # title of the signal to be stored


When ‘data-length’ is 1, the ‘byte order’ is not relevant as there is only one byte per datum, and ‘byte-order’ should be ‘dont-care’.

When ‘depth’ is 1, the file has one image, ‘record-by’ is not relevant and should be ‘dont-care’. For spectral images, ‘record-by’ is ‘vector’. For stacks of images, ‘record-by’ is ‘image’.

Floating point numbers can be IEEE 4-byte, or IEEE 8-byte. Therefore if data-type is float, data-length MUST be 4 or 8.

The rpl file is read in a case-insensitive manner. However, when providing a dictionary as input, the keys MUST be lowercase.

Comment lines, beginning with a semi-colon ‘;’ are allowed anywhere.

The first non-comment in the rpl file line MUST have two column names: ‘name_1’<TAB>’name_2’; any name would do e.g. ‘key’<TAB>’value’.

Parameters can be in ANY order.

In the rpl file, the parameter name is followed by ONE tab (spaces are ignored) e.g.: ‘data-length’<TAB>‘2’

In the rpl file, other data and more tabs can follow the two items on each row, and are ignored.

Other keys and values can be included and are ignored.

Any number of spaces can go along with each tab.

hyperspy.io_plugins.ripple.file_writer(filename, signal, encoding='latin-1', *args, **kwds)
hyperspy.io_plugins.ripple.format_name = 'Ripple'
hyperspy.io_plugins.ripple.full_support = False
hyperspy.io_plugins.ripple.newline = ('\n', '\r\n')

Parse information from ripple (.rpl) file. Accepts file object ‘fp. Returns dictionary rpl_info.

hyperspy.io_plugins.ripple.read_raw(rpl_info, fp, mmap_mode='c')

Read the raw file object ‘fp’ based on the information given in the ‘rpl_info’ dictionary.

  • rpl_info (dict) – A dictionary containing the keywords as parsed by read_rpl

  • fp

  • mmap_mode ({None, 'r+', 'r', 'w+', 'c'}, optional) –

  • not None, then memory-map the file, using the given mode (If) –

  • numpy.memmap) The mode has no effect for pickled or ((see) –

  • files. (zipped) –

  • memory-mapped array is stored on disk, and not directly loaded (A) –

  • memory. However, it can be accessed and sliced like any (into) –

  • Memory mapping is especially useful for accessing (ndarray.) –

  • fragments of large files without reading the entire file (small) –

  • memory. (into) –

hyperspy.io_plugins.ripple.rpl_keys = {'azimuth-angle': <class 'float'>, 'beam-energy': <class 'float'>, 'byte-order': ('little-endian', 'big-endian', 'dont-care'), 'collection-angle': <class 'float'>, 'convergence-angle': <class 'float'>, 'data-length': ('1', '2', '4', '8'), 'data-type': ('signed', 'unsigned', 'float'), 'date': <class 'str'>, 'depth': <class 'int'>, 'depth-origin': <class 'float'>, 'depth-scale': <class 'float'>, 'depth-units': <class 'str'>, 'detector-peak-width-ev': <class 'float'>, 'elevation-angle': <class 'float'>, 'energy-resolution': <class 'float'>, 'ev-per-chan': <class 'float'>, 'height': <class 'int'>, 'height-origin': <class 'float'>, 'height-scale': <class 'float'>, 'height-units': <class 'str'>, 'live-time': <class 'float'>, 'offset': <class 'int'>, 'record-by': ('image', 'vector', 'dont-care'), 'signal': <class 'str'>, 'tilt-stage': <class 'float'>, 'time': <class 'str'>, 'title': <class 'str'>, 'width': <class 'int'>, 'width-origin': <class 'float'>, 'width-scale': <class 'float'>, 'width-units': <class 'str'>}
hyperspy.io_plugins.ripple.sep = '\t'
hyperspy.io_plugins.ripple.write_raw(filename, signal, record_by)

Writes the raw file object


the filename, either with the extension or without it


‘vector’ or ‘image’

hyperspy.io_plugins.ripple.write_rpl(filename, keys_dictionary, encoding='ascii')
hyperspy.io_plugins.ripple.writes = [(1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0), (2, 1)]