
Changelog entries for the development version are available at

0.2.1 (2024-07-12)#

Bug Fixes#

  • Fix gradients of the EELSArctan component. (#55)

  • Fix blocked eelsdb queries (#66)

Improved Documentation#

  • Fix broken links in the documentation and missing docstring of the PESCoreLineShape component in the API reference. (#55)

0.2 (2024-04-10)#

Bug Fixes#

  • Fix restoring Gosh and Hartree Slater GOS from stored models. (#32)

Improved Documentation#

  • Add eXSpy logo and adapt spelling to capital X (#22)

  • Fix DOI and add more badges to readme file. (#36, #38)


  • Use ruff for linting and formatting the code. Remove redundant GitHub workflow in favour of pre-commit. (#27)

  • Fix deprecation scipy and numpy warnings. (#33)

0.1 (2023-12-03)#

New features#



  • Use towncrier to manage release notes and improve setting dev version (#14)

  • Use reusable workflow from the hyperspy organisation for the doc workflow (#13)

  • Consolidate packaging metadata in pyproject.toml. (#4, #10)

  • Use setuptools_scm to set holospy version at build time (#10)

  • Add package and test workflow (#10)

  • Add python 3.12 (#10)

  • Add release workflow (#10)

Initiation (2023-10-28)#

  • eXSpy was split out of the HyperSpy repository on Oct. 28, 2023. The X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and energy electron loss spectroscopy (EELS) functionalities so far developed in HyperSpy were moved to the eXSpy repository.