.. _installation: Installation ************ To install HoloSpy, you have the following options (independent of the operating system you use): 1. HoloSpy is included in the `HyperSpy Bundle `_, a standalone program that includes a python distribution and all relevant libraries (recommended if you do not use *python* for anything else). 2. :ref:`conda` (recommended if you are also working with other *python* packages). 3. :ref:`pip`. 4. Installing the development version from `GitHub `_. Refer to the appropriate section in the :external+hyperspy:ref:`HyperSpy user guide ` (replacing ``hyperspy`` by ``holospy``). .. _conda: Installation using conda ======================== Follow these 3 steps to install HoloSpy using **conda** and start using it. 1. Creating a conda environment ------------------------------- HoloSpy requires Python 3 and ``conda`` -- we suggest using the Python 3 version of `Miniforge `_. We recommend creating a new environment for the HoloSpy package (or installing it in the :external+hyperspy:ref:`HyperSpy ` environment, if you have one already). To create a new environment: 1. Load the miniforge prompt. 2. Run the following command: .. code-block:: bash (base) conda create -n holospy -y 2. Installing the package in the new environment ------------------------------------------------ Now activate the holospy environment and install the package from ``conda-forge``: .. code-block:: bash (base) conda activate holospy (holospy) conda install -c conda-forge holospy -y Required dependencies will be installed automatically. Installation is completed! To start using it, check the next section. .. Note:: If you run into trouble, check the more detailed documentation in the :external+hyperspy:ref:`HyperSpy user guide `. 3. Getting Started ------------------ To get started using HoloSpy, especially if you are unfamiliar with Python, we recommend using `Jupyter notebooks `_. Having installed HoloSpy as above, a Jupyter notebook can be installed and opened using the following commands entered into an anaconda prompt (from scratch): .. code-block:: bash (base) conda activate holospy (holospy) conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab -y (holospy) jupyter lab .. _pip: Installation using pip ======================== Alternatively, you can also find HoloSpy in the `Python Package Index (PyPI) `_ and install it using (requires ``pip``): .. code-block:: bash pip install holospy Required dependencies will be installed automatically. Updating the package ==================== Using **conda**: .. code-block:: bash conda update holospy -c conda-forge Using **pip**: .. code-block:: bash pip install holospy --upgrade .. Note:: If you want to be notified about new releases, please *Watch (Releases only)* the `HoloSpy repository on GitHub `_ (requires a GitHub account).