.. _metadata_structure: HoloSpy metadata structure ************************** HoloSpy extends the :external+hyperspy:ref:`HyperSpy metadata structure ` with conventions for metadata specific to its signal types. Refer to the :external+hyperspy:ref:`HyperSpy metadata documentation ` for general metadata fields. The metadata of any **signal objects** is stored in the `metadata` attribute, which has a tree structure. By convention, the node labels are capitalized and the ones for leaves are not capitalized. When a leaf contains a quantity that is not dimensionless, the units can be given in an extra leaf with the same label followed by the ``_units`` suffix. Besides directly accessing the metadata tree structure, e.g. ``s.metadata.Signal.signal_type``, the HyperSpy methods :external:py:meth:`set_item() `, :external:py:meth:`has_item() ` and :external:py:meth:`get_item() ` can be used to add to, search for and read from items in the metadata tree, respectively. The holography-specific metadata structure is represented in the following tree diagram. The default units are given in parentheses. Details about the leaves can be found in the following sections of this chapter. Note that not all types of leaves will apply to every type of measurement. :: metadata ├── General │ └── # see HyperSpy ├── Sample │ └── # see HyperSpy ├── Signal │ ├── signal_type │ └── # otherwise see HyperSpy └── Acquisition_instrument └── TEM └── Biprism ├── azimuth_angle (º) ├── position └── voltage (V) General ======= See :external+hyperspy:ref:`HyperSpy-Metadata-General `. Sample ====== See :external+hyperspy:ref:`HyperSpy-Metadata-Sample `. Signal ====== signal_type type: string String that describes the type of signal. Currently, the only HoloSpy specific signal class is ``hologram``. See :external+hyperspy:ref:`HyperSpy-Metadata-Signal ` for additional fields. Acquisition Instrument ====================== TEM === Biprism ------- This node stores parameters of biprism used in off-axis electron holography azimuth_angle (º) type: Float Rotation angle of the biprism in degree position type: Str Position of the biprism in microscope column, e.g. Selected area aperture plane voltage type: Float Voltage of electrostatic biprism in volts See :external+exspy:ref:`eXSpy TEM metadata ` for additional fields.