Release Notes#

Changelog entries for the development version are available at

0.3 (2024-05-02)#

Improved Documentation#

  • Fix DOI and add more badges to readme file. (#34)


  • Use pint.get_application_registry instead of HyperSpy private API to get the handle of the pint.UnitRegistry. (#35)

  • Add/enable more ruff rules: isort, pyflakes, pycodestyle. (#37)

0.2 (2024-04-04)#


  • The positional arguments holo_data and holo_sampling of reconstruct() have been renamed to data and sampling, respectively. (#26)

Improved Documentation#

  • Add holoSpy logo (#26)


  • Use ruff for linting and formatting; check NPY2011. (#28)

  • Fix numpy 1.25 deprecation. (#29)

  • Enable numpydoc and nitpicky; fix docstrings. (#30)

0.1.1 (2023-12-02)#

Bug Fixes#

  • Fix getting version from metadata (#16)


  • Use towncrier to manage release notes and improve setting dev version (#17)

0.1 (2023-11-15)#

  • Add pre-commit configuration file (#4)

  • Format code using black and add workflow to check formatting (#3).

  • Add GitHub workflows to tests and build packages (#2).

  • Rename the max_workers argument to num_workers (#9)

  • Setup codecov to measure coverage (#10)

  • Add badges for tests, codecov and docs (#11)

  • Add workflow to build and push documentation (#13)

  • Consolidate package metadata in pyproject.toml (#14)

  • Use setuptools_scm to set holospy version at build time (#14)

  • Add package and test workflow (#14)

  • Add python 3.12 (#14)

  • Add release workflow (#14)

Initiation (2023-07-23)#