hyperspy.external.mpfit.mpfitexpr module

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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

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hyperspy.external.mpfit.mpfitexpr.mpfitexpr(func, x, y, err, start_params, check=True, full_output=False, imports=None, **kw)

Fit the used defined expression to the data Input: - func: string with the function definition - x: x vector - y: y vector - err: vector with the errors of y - start_params: the starting parameters for the fit Output: - The tuple (params, yfit) with best-fit params and the values of func evaluated at x Keywords: - check: boolean parameter. If true(default) the function will be checked for sanity - full_output: boolean parameter. If True(default is False) then instead of best-fit parameters the mpfit object is returned - imports: list of strings, of optional modules to be imported, required to evaluate the function Example: params,yfit=mpfitexpr(‘p[0]+p[2]*(x-p[1])’,x,y,err,[0,10,1])

If you need to use numpy and scipy functions in your function, then
you must to use the full names of these functions, e.g.: numpy.sin, numpy.cos etc.
This function is motivated by mpfitexpr() from wonderful MPFIT IDL package
written by Craig Markwardt