.. _coding_style-label: Coding style ============ HyperSpy follows the Style Guide for Python Code - these are rules for code consistency that you can read all about in the `Python Style Guide `_. You can use the `black `_ code formatter to automatically fix the style of your code. You can install and run ``black`` by: .. code:: bash pip install black black /path/to/your/file.py In Linux and MacOS you can run ``black`` automatically after each commit by adding a ``post-commit`` file to ``.git/hook`` with the following content: .. code-block:: bash #!/bin/sh # From https://gist.github.com/temoto/6183235 FILES=$(git diff HEAD^ HEAD --name-only --diff-filter=ACM | grep -e '\.py$') if [ -n "$FILES" ]; then for f in $FILES do # black correction black -v $f git add $f done #git commit -m "Automatic style corrections courtesy of black" GIT_COMMITTER_NAME="black" GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL="black@email.com" git commit --author="black " -m "Automatic style corrections courtesy of black"