Machine Learning#

class hyperspy.learn.mva.LearningResults#

Bases: object

Stores the parameters and results from a decomposition.

crop_decomposition_dimension(n, compute=False)#

Crop the score matrix up to the given number.

It is mainly useful to save memory and reduce the storage size


Number of components to keep.

computebool, default False

If True and the decomposition results are lazy, also compute the results.


Load the results of a previous decomposition and demixing analysis.


Path to load the results from.

save(filename, overwrite=None)#

Save the result of the decomposition and demixing analysis.


Path to save the results to.

overwrite{True, False, None}, default None

If True, overwrite the file if it exists. If None (default), prompt user if file exists.


Summarize the decomposition and demixing parameters.


String summarizing the learning parameters.

hyperspy.learn.mlpca.mlpca(X, varX, output_dimension, svd_solver='auto', tol=1e-10, max_iter=50000, **kwargs)#

Performs maximum likelihood PCA with missing data and/or heteroskedastic noise.

Standard PCA based on a singular value decomposition (SVD) approach assumes that the data is corrupted with Gaussian, or homoskedastic noise. For many applications, this assumption does not hold. For example, count data from EDS-TEM experiments is corrupted by Poisson noise, where the noise variance depends on the underlying pixel value. Rather than scaling or transforming the data to approximately “normalize” the noise, MLPCA instead uses estimates of the data variance to perform the decomposition.

This function is a transcription of a MATLAB code obtained from [Andrews1997].

Read more in the User Guide.


Matrix of observations with shape (m, n).


Matrix of variances associated with X (zeros for missing measurements).


The model dimensionality.

svd_solver{"auto", "full", "arpack", "randomized"}, default "auto"
If auto:

The solver is selected by a default policy based on data.shape and output_dimension: if the input data is larger than 500x500 and the number of components to extract is lower than 80% of the smallest dimension of the data, then the more efficient “randomized” method is enabled. Otherwise the exact full SVD is computed and optionally truncated afterwards.

If full:

run exact SVD, calling the standard LAPACK solver via scipy.linalg.svd(), and select the components by postprocessing

If arpack:

use truncated SVD, calling ARPACK solver via scipy.sparse.linalg.svds(). It requires strictly 0 < output_dimension < min(data.shape)

If randomized:

use truncated SVD, calling sklearn.utils.extmath.randomized_svd() to estimate a limited number of components


Tolerance of the stopping condition.


Maximum number of iterations before exiting without convergence.


The pseudo-SVD parameters.


Value of the objective function.



Darren T. Andrews and Peter D. Wentzell, “Applications of maximum likelihood principal component analysis: incomplete data sets and calibration transfer”, Analytica Chimica Acta 350, no. 3 (September 19, 1997): 341-352.

class hyperspy.learn.ornmf.ORNMF(rank, store_error=False, lambda1=1.0, kappa=1.0, method='PGD', subspace_learning_rate=1.0, subspace_momentum=0.5, random_state=None)#

Bases: object

Performs Online Robust NMF with missing or corrupted data.

The ORNMF code is based on a transcription of the online proximal gradient descent (PGD) algorithm MATLAB code obtained from the authors of [Zhao2016]. It has been updated to also include L2-normalization cost function that is able to deal with sparse corruptions and/or outliers slightly faster (please see ORPCA implementation for details). A further modification has been made to allow for a changing subspace W, where X ~= WH^T + E in the ORNMF framework.

Read more in the User Guide.



Zhao, Renbo, and Vincent YF Tan. “Online nonnegative matrix factorization with outliers.” Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2016 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2016.

Creates Online Robust NMF instance that can learn a representation.


The rank of the representation (number of components/factors)

store_errorbool, default False

If True, stores the sparse error matrix.


Nuclear norm regularization parameter.


Step-size for projection solver.

method{'PGD', 'RobustPGD', 'MomentumSGD'}, default 'PGD'
  • 'PGD' - Proximal gradient descent

  • 'RobustPGD' - Robust proximal gradient descent

  • 'MomentumSGD' - Stochastic gradient descent with momentum


Learning rate for the 'MomentumSGD' method. Should be a float > 0.0


Momentum parameter for 'MomentumSGD' method, should be a float between 0 and 1.

random_stateNone or int or RandomState, default None

Used to initialize the subspace on the first iteration. See numpy.random.default_rng() for more information.


Return the learnt factors and loadings.

fit(X, batch_size=None)#

Learn NMF components from the data.


[n_samples x n_features] matrix of observations or an iterator that yields samples, each with n_features elements.

batch_size{None, int}

If not None, learn the data in batches, each of batch_size samples or less.

project(X, return_error=False)#

Project the learnt components on the data.


The matrix of observations with shape (n_samples, n_features) or an iterator that yields n_samples, each with n_features elements.

return_errorbool, default False

If True, returns the sparse error matrix as well. Otherwise only the weights (loadings)

hyperspy.learn.ornmf.ornmf(X, rank, store_error=False, project=False, batch_size=None, lambda1=1.0, kappa=1.0, method='PGD', subspace_learning_rate=1.0, subspace_momentum=0.5, random_state=None)#

Perform online, robust NMF on the data X.

This is a wrapper function for the ORNMF class.


The [n_samples, n_features] input data.


The rank of the representation (number of components/factors)

store_errorbool, default False

If True, stores the sparse error matrix.

projectbool, default False

If True, project the data X onto the learnt model.

batch_sizeNone or int, default None

If not None, learn the data in batches, each of batch_size samples or less.

lambda1float, default 1.0

Nuclear norm regularization parameter.

kappafloat, default 1.0

Step-size for projection solver.

method{‘PGD’, ‘RobustPGD’, ‘MomentumSGD’}, default ‘PGD’
  • 'PGD' - Proximal gradient descent

  • 'RobustPGD' - Robust proximal gradient descent

  • 'MomentumSGD' - Stochastic gradient descent with momentum

subspace_learning_ratefloat, default 1.0

Learning rate for the ‘MomentumSGD’ method. Should be a float > 0.0

subspace_momentumfloat, default 0.5

Momentum parameter for ‘MomentumSGD’ method, should be a float between 0 and 1.

random_stateNone or int or RandomState, default None

Used to initialize the subspace on the first iteration.


The non-negative matrix with shape (n_features x n_samples). Only returned if store_error is True.


The sparse error matrix with shape (n_features x n_samples). Only returned if store_error is True.


The non-negative factors matrix with shape (n_features, rank).


The non-negative loadings matrix with shape (rank, n_samples).

hyperspy.learn.orthomax.orthomax(A, gamma=1.0, tol=1.4901e-07, max_iter=256)#

Calculate orthogonal rotations for a matrix of factors or loadings from PCA.

When gamma=1.0, this is known as varimax rotation, which finds a rotation matrix W that maximizes the variance of the squared components of A @ W. The rotation matrix preserves orthogonality of the components.

Taken from metpy.

Anumpy array

Input data to unmix


If gamma in range [0, 1], use SVD approach, otherwise solve with a sequence of bivariate rotations.


Tolerance of the stopping condition.


Maximum number of iterations before exiting without convergence.

Bnumpy array

Rotated data matrix

Wnumpy array

The unmixing matrix

class hyperspy.learn.rpca.ORPCA(rank, store_error=False, lambda1=0.1, lambda2=1.0, method='BCD', init='qr', training_samples=10, subspace_learning_rate=1.0, subspace_momentum=0.5, random_state=None)#

Bases: object

Performs Online Robust PCA with missing or corrupted data.

The ORPCA code is based on a transcription of MATLAB code from [Feng2013]. It has been updated to include a new initialization method based on a QR decomposition of the first n “training” samples of the data. A stochastic gradient descent (SGD) solver is also implemented, along with a MomentumSGD solver for improved convergence and robustness with respect to local minima. More information about the gradient descent methods and choosing appropriate parameters can be found in [Ruder2016].

Read more in the User Guide.



Jiashi Feng, Huan Xu and Shuicheng Yuan, “Online Robust PCA via Stochastic Optimization”, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 26, (2013), pp. 404-412.


Sebastian Ruder, “An overview of gradient descent optimization algorithms”, arXiv:1609.04747, (2016),

Creates Online Robust PCA instance that can learn a representation.


The rank of the representation (number of components/factors)

store_errorbool, default False

If True, stores the sparse error matrix.

lambda1float, default 0.1

Nuclear norm regularization parameter.

lambda2float, default 1.0

Sparse error regularization parameter.

method{‘CF’, ‘BCD’, ‘SGD’, ‘MomentumSGD’}, default ‘BCD’
  • 'CF' - Closed-form solver

  • 'BCD' - Block-coordinate descent

  • 'SGD' - Stochastic gradient descent

  • 'MomentumSGD' - Stochastic gradient descent with momentum

initnumpy.ndarray, {‘qr’, ‘rand’}, default ‘qr’
  • 'qr' - QR-based initialization

  • 'rand' - Random initialization

  • numpy.ndarray if the shape (n_features x rank)

training_samplesint, default 10

Specifies the number of training samples to use in the ‘qr’ initialization.

subspace_learning_ratefloat, default 1.0

Learning rate for the ‘SGD’ and ‘MomentumSGD’ methods. Should be a float > 0.0

subspace_momentumfloat, default 0.5

Momentum parameter for ‘MomentumSGD’ method, should be a float between 0 and 1.

random_stateNone, int or RandomState, default None

Used to initialize the subspace on the first iteration.


Return the learnt factors and loadings.

fit(X, batch_size=None)#

Learn RPCA components from the data.


The matrix of observations with shape (n_samples, n_features) or an iterator that yields samples, each with n_features elements.

batch_sizeNone or int

If not None, learn the data in batches, each of batch_size samples or less.

project(X, return_error=False)#

Project the learnt components on the data.


The matrix of observations with shape (n_samples, n_features) or an iterator that yields n_samples, each with n_features elements.

return_errorbool, default False

If True, returns the sparse error matrix as well. Otherwise only the weights (loadings)

hyperspy.learn.rpca.orpca(X, rank, store_error=False, project=False, batch_size=None, lambda1=0.1, lambda2=1.0, method='BCD', init='qr', training_samples=10, subspace_learning_rate=1.0, subspace_momentum=0.5, random_state=None, **kwargs)#

Perform online, robust PCA on the data X.

This is a wrapper function for the ORPCA class.


The matrix of observations with shape (n_features x n_samples) or an iterator that yields samples, each with n_features elements.


The rank of the representation (number of components/factors)

store_errorbool, default False

If True, stores the sparse error matrix.

projectbool, default False

If True, project the data X onto the learnt model.

batch_sizeNone, int, default None

If not None, learn the data in batches, each of batch_size samples or less.

lambda1float, default 0.1

Nuclear norm regularization parameter.

lambda2float, default 1.0

Sparse error regularization parameter.

method{‘CF’, ‘BCD’, ‘SGD’, ‘MomentumSGD’}, default ‘BCD’
  • 'CF' - Closed-form solver

  • 'BCD' - Block-coordinate descent

  • 'SGD' - Stochastic gradient descent

  • 'MomentumSGD' - Stochastic gradient descent with momentum

initnumpy.ndarray, {‘qr’, ‘rand’}, default ‘qr’
  • 'qr' - QR-based initialization

  • 'rand' - Random initialization

  • numpyp.ndarray if the shape [n_features x rank]

training_samplesint, default 10

Specifies the number of training samples to use in the ‘qr’ initialization.

subspace_learning_ratefloat, default 1.0

Learning rate for the ‘SGD’ and ‘MomentumSGD’ methods. Should be a float > 0.0

subspace_momentumfloat, default 0.5

Momentum parameter for ‘MomentumSGD’ method, should be a float between 0 and 1.

random_stateNone or int or RandomState, default None

Used to initialize the subspace on the first iteration.

  • If project is True, returns the low-rank factors and loadings only

  • Otherwise, returns the low-rank and sparse error matrices, as well as the results of a singular value decomposition (SVD) applied to the low-rank matrix.

hyperspy.learn.rpca.rpca_godec(X, rank, lambda1=None, power=0, tol=0.001, maxiter=1000, random_state=None, **kwargs)#

Perform Robust PCA with missing or corrupted data, using the GoDec algorithm.

Decomposes a matrix Y = X + E, where X is low-rank and E is a sparse error matrix. This algorithm is based on the Matlab code from [Zhou2011]. See code here:

Read more in the User Guide.


The matrix of observations with shape (n_features, n_samples)


The model dimensionality.

lambda1None or float

Regularization parameter. If None, set to 1 / sqrt(n_features)

powerint, default 0

The number of power iterations used in the initialization

tolfloat, default 1e-3

Convergence tolerance

maxiterint, default 1000

Maximum number of iterations

random_stateNone, int or RandomState, default None

Used to initialize the subspace on the first iteration.


The low-rank matrix with shape (n_features, n_samples)


The sparse error matrix with shape (n_features, n_samples)

U, S, Vnumpy.ndarray

The results of an SVD on Xhat



Tianyi Zhou and Dacheng Tao, “GoDec: Randomized Low-rank & Sparse Matrix Decomposition in Noisy Case”, ICML-11, (2011), pp. 33-40.

hyperspy.learn.svd_pca.svd_flip_signs(u, v, u_based_decision=True)#

Sign correction to ensure deterministic output from SVD.

Adjusts the columns of u and the rows of v such that the loadings in the columns in u that are largest in absolute value are always positive.

u, vnumpy.ndarray

u and v are the outputs of a singular value decomposition.

u_based_decisionbool, default True

If True, use the columns of u as the basis for sign flipping. Otherwise, use the rows of v. The choice of which variable to base the decision on is generally algorithm dependent.

u, vnumpy.ndarray

Adjusted outputs with same dimensions as inputs.

hyperspy.learn.svd_pca.svd_pca(data, output_dimension=None, svd_solver='auto', centre=None, auto_transpose=True, svd_flip=True, **kwargs)#

Perform PCA using singular value decomposition (SVD).

Read more in the User Guide.

datanumpy array

MxN array of input data (M features, N samples)

output_dimensionNone or int

Number of components to keep/calculate

svd_solver{“auto”, “full”, “arpack”, “randomized”}, default “auto”
If auto:

The solver is selected by a default policy based on data.shape and output_dimension: if the input data is larger than 500x500 and the number of components to extract is lower than 80% of the smallest dimension of the data, then the more efficient “randomized” method is enabled. Otherwise the exact full SVD is computed and optionally truncated afterwards.

If full:

run exact SVD, calling the standard LAPACK solver via scipy.linalg.svd(), and select the components by postprocessing

If arpack:

use truncated SVD, calling ARPACK solver via scipy.sparse.linalg.svds(). It requires strictly 0 < output_dimension < min(data.shape)

If randomized:

use truncated SVD, calling sklearn.utils.extmath.randomized_svd() to estimate a limited number of components

centre{None, “navigation”, “signal”}, default None
  • If None, the data is not centered prior to decomposition.

  • If "navigation", the data is centered along the navigation axis.

  • If "signal", the data is centered along the signal axis.

auto_transposebool, default True

If True, automatically transposes the data to boost performance.

svd_flipbool, default True

If True, adjusts the signs of the loadings and factors such that the loadings that are largest in absolute value are always positive. See svd_flip_signs() for more details.

meannumpy.ndarray or None

None if centre is None

hyperspy.learn.svd_pca.svd_solve(data, output_dimension=None, svd_solver='auto', svd_flip=True, u_based_decision=True, **kwargs)#

Apply singular value decomposition to input data.


Input data array with shape (m, n)

output_dimensionNone or int

Number of components to keep/calculate

svd_solver{“auto”, “full”, “arpack”, “randomized”}, default “auto”
  • If "auto": The solver is selected by a default policy based on data.shape and output_dimension: if the input data is larger than 500x500 and the number of components to extract is lower than 80% of the smallest dimension of the data, then the more efficient “randomized” method is enabled. Otherwise the exact full SVD is computed and optionally truncated afterwards.

  • If "full": Run exact SVD, calling the standard LAPACK solver via scipy.linalg.svd(), and select the components by postprocessing

  • If "arpack": Use truncated SVD, calling ARPACK solver via scipy.sparse.linalg.svds(). It requires strictly 0 < output_dimension < min(data.shape)

  • If "randomized": Use truncated SVD, calling sklearn.utils.extmath.randomized_svd() to estimate a limited number of components

svd_flipbool, default True

If True, adjusts the signs of the loadings and factors such that the loadings that are largest in absolute value are always positive. See svd_flip_signs() for more details.

u_based_decisionbool, default True

If True, and svd_flip is True, use the columns of u as the basis for sign-flipping. Otherwise, use the rows of v. The choice of which variable to base the decision on is generally algorithm dependent.

U, S, Vnumpy.ndarray

Output of SVD such that X = U*S*V.T

hyperspy.learn.whitening.whiten_data(X, centre=True, method='PCA', epsilon=1e-10)#

Centre and whiten the data X.

A whitening transformation is used to decorrelate the variables, such that the new covariance matrix of the whitened data is the identity matrix.

If X is a random vector with non-singular covariance matrix C, and W is a whitening matrix satisfying W^T W = C^-1, then the transformation Y = W X will yield a whitened random vector Y with unit diagonal covariance. In ZCA whitening, the matrix W = C^-1/2, while in PCA whitening, the matrix W is the eigensystem of C. More details can be found in [Kessy2015].


The input data with shape (m, n).

centrebool, default True

If True, centre the data along the features axis. If False, do not centre the data.

method{“PCA”, “ZCA”}

How to whiten the data. The default is PCA whitening.

epsilonfloat, default 1e-10

Small floating-point value to avoid divide-by-zero errors.


The centred and whitened data with shape (m, n).


The whitening matrix with shape (n, n).



A. Kessy, A. Lewin, and K. Strimmer, “Optimal Whitening and Decorrelation”, arXiv:1512.00809, (2015),