.. _renishaw-format: Renishaw -------- Reader for spectroscopy data saved using Renishaw's WiRE software. Currently, RosettaSciIO can only read the ``.wdf`` format from Renishaw. When reading spectral images, the white light image will be returned along the spectral images in the list of dictionaries. The position of the mapped area is returned in the metadata dictionary of the white light image and this will be displayed when plotting the image with HyperSpy. If `LumiSpy `_ is installed, ``Luminescence`` will be used as the ``signal_type``. .. Note:: There are many different options for the axes according to the format specifications. However, only a limited subset is tested: `Spectral` (Wavelength and Raman Shift) for the signal axes and `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `FocusTrackZ` and `Time` for navigation axes. Reading maps obtained in a serpentine path is not implemented. This reader is based on the `py-wdf-reader `_, which is inspired by the `matlab reader `_ from Alex Henderson. Moreover, inspiration is taken from `gwyddion's reader `_. API functions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: rsciio.renishaw :members: