.. _ripple-format: Ripple format ------------- The ``.rpl`` format (short for "Raw Parameter List") is an *open standard format* developed at NIST as native format for `Lispix `_ and is widely used to exchange multidimensional data. However, it only supports data of up to three dimensions. See the :ref:`file specifications ` for a description of the file format and the parameter keys (some of which are specific to `HyperSpy `_). This format is often used in EDS/EDX experiments. The ``.rpl`` file lists the characteristics of the corresponding ``.raw`` file so that it can be loaded without human intervention. Thus, the reader parses a ``.rpl`` file and reads the data from the corresponding ``.raw`` file, or directly from a ``.raw`` file if the dictionary ``rpl_info`` is provided. It can also be used to exchange data with Bruker and used in combination with the :ref:`import-rpl` it is very useful for exporting data to Gatan's Digital Micrograph. .. note:: This format may not provide information on the calibration. If so, you should add that after loading the file. API functions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: rsciio.ripple :members: