.. _tia-format: FEI TIA (SER & EMI) ------------------- RosettaSciIO can read ``.ser`` and ``.emi`` files files created by the FEI (now ThermoFisher) software TEM Imaging & Analysis (TIA), but the reading features are not complete (and probably they will be unless FEI/ThermoFisher releases the specifications of the format). That said we know that this is an important feature and if loading a particular ``.ser`` or ``.emi`` file fails for you, please report it as an issue in the `issues tracker `__ to make us aware of the problem. RosettaSciIO (unlike TIA) can read data directly from the ``.ser`` files. However, by doing so, the information that is stored in the ``.emi`` file is lost. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to load using the ``.emi`` file instead. If several ``.ser`` files are associated to the ``.emi`` file being read, all of them will be read and returned as a list. API functions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: rsciio.tia :members: