.. _tvips-format: TVIPS format ------------ The ``.tvips`` format is the default format for image series collected by pixelated cameras from the TVIPS company. Typically individual images captured by these cameras are stored in the :ref:`TIFF format` which can also be loaded by RosettaSciIO. This format instead serves to store image streams from in-situ and 4D-STEM experiments. During collection, the maximum file size is typically capped meaning the dataset is typically split over multiple files ending in `_xyz.tvips`. The `_000.tvips` will contain the main header and it is essential for loading the data. If a filename is provided for loading or saving without a `_000` suffix, this will automatically be added. Loading will not work if no such file is found. .. warning:: While ``.tvips`` files are supported, it is a proprietary format, and future versions of the format might therefore not be readable. Complete interoperability with the official software can neither be guaranteed. .. warning:: The ``.tvips`` format currently stores very limited amount of metadata about scanning experiments. To reconstruct scan data, e.g. 4D-STEM datasets, parameters like the shape and scales of the scan dimensions should be manually recorded. API functions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: rsciio.tvips :members: