User guide# Getting started Installing HyperSpy HyperSpy Bundle Installation using conda Installation using pip Update HyperSpy Install specific version Rolling release Linux distributions Install development version Basic Usage Starting Python in Windows Starting Python in Linux and MacOS Starting HyperSpy in the notebook (or terminal) Getting help Autocompletion Creating signal from a numpy array The navigation and signal dimensions Saving Files Accessing and setting the metadata Configuring HyperSpy Messages log Loading and saving data Loading Saving Fundamentals and Usage The Signal class Basics of signals Ragged signals Binned and unbinned signals Indexing Generic tools Basic statistical analysis Setting the noise properties Speeding up operations Complex datatype GPU support Axes handling The navigation and signal dimensions Setting axis properties Types of data axes Defining a new axis Using quantity and converting units Axes storage and ordering Iterating over the AxesManager Signal1D Tools Cropping Background removal Baseline removal Calibration Alignment Integration Data smoothing Peak finding Estimate peak width Other methods Signal2D Tools Signal registration and alignment Cropping a Signal2D Interactive calibration Add a linear ramp Peak finding Interactive parametrization Data visualization Multidimensional spectral data Multidimensional image data Customising image plot Customizing the “navigator” Using Mayavi to visualize 3D data Plotting multiple signals Markers Machine learning Decomposition Blind Source Separation Cluster analysis Visualizing results Export results Model fitting Creating a model Model components Adding components to the model Indexing the model Getting and setting parameter values and attributes Fitting the model to the data Storing models Fitting big data Smart Adaptive Multi-dimensional Fitting (SAMFire) Working with big data Creating Lazy Signals Machine learning Navigator plot GPU support Model fitting Practical tips Dask Scheduler Limitations Behind the scenes – technical details Advanced Usage Region Of Interest (ROI) Slicing using ROIs Interactively Slicing Signal Dimensions Events Connecting to events Suppressing events Triggering events Interactive Operations Unit Handling with Pint Quantity Bibliography Bibliography