hyperspy.docstrings package¶
Module contents¶
Common docstring snippets.
= 'When starting HyperSpy using the ``hyperspy`` script (e.g. by executing\n``hyperspy`` in a console, using the context menu entries or using the links in\nthe ``Start Menu``, the :mod:`~hyperspy.api` package is imported in the user\nnamespace as ``hs``, i.e. by executing the following:\n\n >>> import hyperspy.api as hs\n\n\n(Note that code snippets are indicated by three greater-than signs)\n\nWe recommend to import the HyperSpy API as above also when doing it manually.\nThe docstring examples assume that `hyperspy` has been imported as `hs`,\nnumpy as ``np`` and ``matplotlib.pyplot`` as ``plt``. '¶