File Specifications#

This section contains reference documentation for file specifications available publicly.


The file specifications for the edax file formats made available publicly available from EDAX:

Ripple (Lispix)#

Format description for the ripple file format.


The MRC file format is a standard open file format for electron microscopy data and is defined by Cheng et al. The file format is described in detail following the link as well: MRC2014.

Additionally Direct Electron saves a couple of files along with the .mrc file. In general, the file naming scheme is CurrentDate_MovieNumber_suffix_movie.mrc with the metadata file named CurrentDate_MovieNumber_suffix_info.txt. and different external detectors or virtual images are saved as CurrentDate_MovieNumber_suffix_ext#_extName.mrc or CurrentDate_MovieNumber_suffix_#_virtualName.mrc respectively. The suffix is optional and can be any string or left empty. By default Virtual image 0 is the sum at each navigation point and is equivalent to the navigation image.