RosettaSciIO documentation#
The Rosetta Scientific Input Output library aims at providing easy reading and writing capabilities in Python for a wide range of scientific data formats. Thus providing an entry point to the wide ecosystem of python packages for scientific data analysis and computation, as well as an interoperability between different file formats. Just as the Rosetta stone provided a translation between ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and ancient Greek. The RosettaSciIO library originates from the HyperSpy project for multi-dimensional data analysis. As HyperSpy is rooted in the electron microscopy community, data formats used by this community are still particularly well represented.
RosettaSciIO provides the dataset, its axes and related metadata contained in a file in a python dictionary that can be easily handled by other libraries. Similarly, it takes a dictionary as input for file writers.
RosettaSciIO has recently been split out of the HyperSpy repository and the new API is still under development. HyperSpy will use the RosettaSciIO IO-plugins from v2.0. It is already possible to import the readers directly from RosettaSciIO as follows:
from rsciio import msa
Citing RosettaSciIO#
If RosettaSciIO has been significant to a project that leads to an academic publication, please acknowledge that fact by citing it. The DOI in the badge below is the Concept DOI – it can be used to cite the project without referring to a specific version. If you are citing RosettaSciIO because you have used it to process data, please use the DOI of the specific version that you have employed. You can find it by clicking on the DOI badge:
RosettaSciIO is developed by an active community of contributors.