hyperspy.external.astroML.histtools module

Tools for working with distributions

class hyperspy.external.astroML.histtools.KnuthF(data)

Bases: object

Class which implements the function minimized by knuth_bin_width


data (array-like, one dimension) – data to be histogrammed


the function F is given by

F(M|x,I) = n\log(M) + \log\Gamma(\frac{M}{2})
- M\log\Gamma(\frac{1}{2})
- \log\Gamma(\frac{2n+M}{2})
+ \sum_{k=1}^M \log\Gamma(n_k + \frac{1}{2})

where \Gamma is the Gamma function, n is the number of data points, n_k is the number of measurements in bin k.

See also

knuth_bin_width, astroML.plotting.hist


Return the bin edges given a width dx


Evaluate the Knuth function


dx (float) – Width of bins


F – evaluation of the negative Knuth likelihood function: smaller values indicate a better fit.

Return type


hyperspy.external.astroML.histtools.dasky_freedman_bin_width(data, return_bins=True)

Dask version of freedman_bin_width

  • data (dask array) – the data

  • return_bins (bool (optional)) – if True, then return the bin edges


  • width (float) – optimal bin width using Scott’s rule

  • bins (ndarray) – bin edges: returned if return_bins is True


The optimal bin width is

\Delta_b = \frac{2(q_{75} - q_{25})}{n^{1/3}}

where q_{N} is the N percent quartile of the data, and n is the number of data points.

See also

knuth_bin_width(), scotts_bin_width(), astroML.plotting.hist()

hyperspy.external.astroML.histtools.dasky_histogram(a, bins=10, **kwargs)

Enhanced histogram for dask arrays. The range keyword is ignored. Reads the data at most two times - once to determine best bins (if required), and second time to actually calculate the histogram.

  • a (array_like) – array of data to be histogrammed

  • bins (int or list or str (optional)) – If bins is a string, then it must be one of: ‘scotts’ : use Scott’s rule to determine bins ‘freedman’ : use the Freedman-Diaconis rule to determine bins

  • keyword arguments are described in numpy.hist() (other) –


  • hist (array) – The values of the histogram. See normed and weights for a description of the possible semantics.

  • bin_edges (array of dtype float) – Return the bin edges (length(hist)+1).

See also

numpy.histogram(), astroML.plotting.hist()

hyperspy.external.astroML.histtools.dasky_scotts_bin_width(data, return_bins=True)

Dask version of scotts_bin_width

  • data (dask array) – the data

  • return_bins (bool (optional)) – if True, then return the bin edges


  • width (float) – optimal bin width using Scott’s rule

  • bins (ndarray) – bin edges: returned if return_bins is True


The optimal bin width is:

\Delta_b = \frac{3.5\sigma}{n^{1/3}}

where \sigma is the standard deviation of the data, and n is the number of data points.

See also

knuth_bin_width(), freedman_bin_width(), astroML.plotting.hist()

hyperspy.external.astroML.histtools.freedman_bin_width(data, return_bins=False)

Return the optimal histogram bin width using the Freedman-Diaconis rule

  • data (array-like, ndim=1) – observed (one-dimensional) data

  • return_bins (bool (optional)) – if True, then return the bin edges


  • width (float) – optimal bin width using Scott’s rule

  • bins (ndarray) – bin edges: returned if return_bins is True


The optimal bin width is

\Delta_b = \frac{2(q_{75} - q_{25})}{n^{1/3}}

where q_{N} is the N percent quartile of the data, and n is the number of data points.

See also

knuth_bin_width(), scotts_bin_width(), astroML.plotting.hist()

hyperspy.external.astroML.histtools.histogram(a, bins=10, range=None, **kwargs)

Enhanced histogram

This is a histogram function that enables the use of more sophisticated algorithms for determining bins. Aside from the bins argument allowing a string specified how bins are computed, the parameters are the same as numpy.histogram().

  • a (array_like) – array of data to be histogrammed

  • bins (int or list or str (optional)) – If bins is a string, then it must be one of: ‘blocks’ : use bayesian blocks for dynamic bin widths ‘knuth’ : use Knuth’s rule to determine bins ‘scotts’ : use Scott’s rule to determine bins ‘freedman’ : use the Freedman-diaconis rule to determine bins

  • range (tuple or None (optional)) – the minimum and maximum range for the histogram. If not specified, it will be (x.min(), x.max())

  • keyword arguments are described in numpy.hist() (other) –


  • hist (array) – The values of the histogram. See normed and weights for a description of the possible semantics.

  • bin_edges (array of dtype float) – Return the bin edges (length(hist)+1).

See also

numpy.histogram(), astroML.plotting.hist()

hyperspy.external.astroML.histtools.knuth_bin_width(data, return_bins=False)

Return the optimal histogram bin width using Knuth’s rule 1

  • data (array-like, ndim=1) – observed (one-dimensional) data

  • return_bins (bool (optional)) – if True, then return the bin edges


  • dx (float) – optimal bin width. Bins are measured starting at the first data point.

  • bins (ndarray) – bin edges: returned if return_bins is True


The optimal number of bins is the value M which maximizes the function

F(M|x,I) = n\log(M) + \log\Gamma(\frac{M}{2})
- M\log\Gamma(\frac{1}{2})
- \log\Gamma(\frac{2n+M}{2})
+ \sum_{k=1}^M \log\Gamma(n_k + \frac{1}{2})

where \Gamma is the Gamma function, n is the number of data points, n_k is the number of measurements in bin k.



Knuth, K.H. “Optimal Data-Based Binning for Histograms”. arXiv:0605197, 2006

hyperspy.external.astroML.histtools.scotts_bin_width(data, return_bins=False)

Return the optimal histogram bin width using Scott’s rule:

  • data (array-like, ndim=1) – observed (one-dimensional) data

  • return_bins (bool (optional)) – if True, then return the bin edges


  • width (float) – optimal bin width using Scott’s rule

  • bins (ndarray) – bin edges: returned if return_bins is True


The optimal bin width is

\Delta_b = \frac{3.5\sigma}{n^{1/3}}

where \sigma is the standard deviation of the data, and n is the number of data points.

See also

knuth_bin_width(), freedman_bin_width(), astroML.plotting.hist()