Metadata structure¶
The BaseSignal
class stores metadata in the
attribute that has a tree structure. By
convention, the nodes labels are capitalized and the leaves are not
When a leaf contains a quantity that is not dimensionless, the units can be given in an extra leaf with the same label followed by the “_units” suffix.
The metadata structure is represented in the following tree diagram. The default units are given in parentheses. Details about the leaves can be found in the following sections of this chapter.
├── Acquisition_instrument
│ ├── SEM
│ │ ├── Detector
│ │ │ └── EDS
│ │ │ ├── azimuth_angle (º)
│ │ │ ├── elevation_angle (º)
│ │ │ ├── energy_resolution_MnKa (eV)
│ │ │ ├── live_time (s)
│ │ │ └── real_time (s)
│ │ ├── beam_current (nA)
│ │ ├── beam_energy (keV)
│ │ ├── probe_area (nm²)
│ │ ├── convergence_angle (mrad)
│ │ ├── magnification
│ │ ├── microscope
│ │ ├── Stage
│ │ │ ├── rotation (º)
│ │ │ ├── tilt_alpha (º)
│ │ │ ├── tilt_beta (º)
│ │ │ ├── x (mm)
│ │ │ ├── y (mm)
│ │ │ └── z (mm)
│ │ └── working_distance (mm)
│ └── TEM
│ ├── Detector
│ │ ├── EDS
│ │ │ ├── azimuth_angle (º)
│ │ │ ├── elevation_angle (º)
│ │ │ ├── energy_resolution_MnKa (eV)
│ │ │ ├── live_time (s)
│ │ │ └── real_time (s)
│ │ └── EELS
│ │ ├── aperture (mm)
│ │ ├── collection_angle (mrad)
│ │ ├── dwell_time (s)
│ │ ├── exposure (s)
│ │ ├── frame_number
│ │ └── spectrometer
│ ├── Biprism
│ │ ├── azimuth_angle (º)
│ │ ├── position
│ │ └── voltage (V)
│ ├── acquisition_mode
│ ├── beam_current (nA)
│ ├── beam_energy (keV)
│ ├── probe_area (nm²)
│ ├── camera_length (mm)
│ ├── convergence_angle (mrad)
│ ├── magnification
│ ├── microscope
│ └── Stage
│ ├── rotation (º)
│ ├── tilt_alpha (º)
│ ├── tilt_beta (º)
│ ├── x (mm)
│ ├── y (mm)
│ └── z (mm)
├── General
│ ├── authors
│ ├── date
│ ├── doi
│ ├── original_filename
│ ├── notes
│ ├── time
│ ├── time_zone
│ └── title
├── Sample
│ ├── credits
│ ├── description
│ ├── elements
│ ├── thickness
│ └── xray_lines
└── Signal
├── FFT
│ └── shifted
├── Noise_properties
│ ├── Variance_linear_model
│ │ ├── correlation_factor
│ │ ├── gain_factor
│ │ ├── gain_offset
│ │ └── parameters_estimation_method
│ └── variance
├── binned
├── quantity
├── signal_type
└── signal_origin
- title
type: Str
A title for the signal, e.g. “Sample overview”
- original_filename
type: Str
If the signal was loaded from a file this key stores the name of the original file.
- time_zone
type: Str
The time zone as supported by the python-dateutil library, e.g. “UTC”, “Europe/London”, etc. It can also be a time offset, e.g. “+03:00” or “-05:00”.
- time
type: Str
The acquisition or creation time in ISO 8601 time format, e.g. ‘13:29:10’.
- date
type: Str
The acquisition or creation date in ISO 8601 date format, e.g. ‘2018-01-28’.
- authors
type: Str
The authors of the data, in Latex format: Surname1, Name1 and Surname2, Name2, etc.
- doi
type: Str
Digital object identifier of the data, e. g. doi:10.5281/zenodo.58841.
- notes
type: Str
Notes about the data.
Contain information relevant to transmission electron microscope signals.
- microscope
type: Str
The microscope model, e.g. VG 501
- acquisition_mode
type: Str
Either ‘TEM’ or ‘STEM’
- camera_length
type: Float
The camera length in mm.
- convergence_angle
type: Float
The beam convergence semi-angle in mrad.
- beam_energy
type: Float
The energy of the electron beam in keV
- beam_current
type: Float
The beam current in nA.
- probe_area
type: Float
The illumination area of the electron beam in nm2.
- dwell_time
type: Float
The dwell time in seconds. This is relevant for STEM acquisition
- exposure
type: Float
The exposure time in seconds. This is relevant for TEM acquisition.
- magnification
type: Float
The magnification.
Contain information relevant to scanning electron microscope signals.
- microscope
type: Str
The microscope model, e.g. VG 501
- convergence_angle
type: Float
The beam convergence semi-angle in mrad.
- beam_energy
type: Float
The energy of the electron beam in keV
- beam_current
type: Float
The beam current in nA.
- probe_area
type: Float
The illumination area of the electron beam in nm2.
- magnification
type: Float
The magnification.
- working_distance
type: Float
The working distance in mm.
- tilt_alpha
type: Float
A tilt of the stage in degree.
- tilt_beta
type: Float
Another tilt of the stage in degree.
- rotation
type: Float
The rotation of the stage in degree.
- x
type: Float
The position of the stage in mm along the x axis.
- y
type: Float
The position of the stage in mm along the y axis.
- z
type: Float
The position of the stage in mm along the z axis.
All instruments can contain a “Detector” node with information about the detector used to acquire the signal. EDX and EELS detectors should follow the following structure:
This node stores parameters relevant to electron energy loss spectroscopy signals.
- aperture_size
type: Float
The entrance aperture size of the spectrometer in mm.
- collection_angle
type: Float
The collection semi-angle in mrad.
- dwell_time
type: Float
The dwell time in seconds. This is relevant for STEM acquisition
- exposure
type: Float
The exposure time in seconds. This is relevant for TEM acquisition.
- frame_number
type: int
The number of frames/spectra integrated during the acquisition.
- spectrometer
type: Str
The spectrometer model, e.g. Gatan Enfinium ER (Model 977).
This node stores parameters relevant to electron X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy data.
- azimuth_angle
type: Float
The azimuth angle of the detector in degree. If the azimuth is zero, the detector is perpendicular to the tilt axis.
- elevation_angle
type: Float
The elevation angle of the detector in degree. The detector is perpendicular to the surface with an angle of 90.
- energy_resolution_MnKa
type: Float
The full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the manganese K alpha (Mn Ka) peak in eV. This value is used as a first approximation of the energy resolution of the detector.
- real_time
type: Float
The time spent to record the spectrum in second.
- live_time
type: Float
The time spent to record the spectrum in second, compensated for the dead time of the detector.
This node stores parameters of biprism used in off-axis electron holography
- azimuth_angle (º)
type: Float
Rotation angle of the biprism in degree
- position
type: Str
Position of the biprism in microscope column, e.g. Selected area aperture plane
- voltage
type: Float
Voltage of electrostatic biprism in volts
- credits
type: Str
Acknowledgment of sample supplier, e.g. Prepared by Putin, Vladimir V.
- description
type: Str
A brief description of the sample
- elements
type: list
A list of the symbols of the elements composing the sample, e.g. [‘B’, ‘N’] for a sample composed of Boron and Nitrogen.
- xray_lines
type: list
A list of the symbols of the X-ray lines to be used for processing, e.g. [‘Al_Ka’, ‘Ni_Lb’] for the K alpha line of Aluminum and the L beta line of Nickel.
- thickness
type: Float
The thickness of the sample in m.
- signal_type
type: Str
A term that describes the signal type, e.g. EDS, PES… This information can be used by HyperSpy to load the file as a specific signal class and therefore the naming should be standarised. Currently HyperSpy provides special signal class for photoemission spectroscopy, electron energy loss spectroscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy. The signal_type in these cases should be respectively PES, EELS and EDS_TEM (EDS_SEM).
- signal_origin
type: Str
Describes the origin of the signal e.g. ‘simulation’ or ‘experiment’.
- record_by
Deprecated since version 1.2.
type: Str
One of ‘spectrum’ or ‘image’. It describes how the data is stored in memory. If ‘spectrum’ the spectral data is stored in the faster index.
- quantity
type: Str
The name of the quantity of the “intensity axis” with the units in round brackets if required, for example Temperature (K).
- shifted
type: bool.
Specify if the FFT has the zero-frequency component shifted to the center of the signal.
- variance
type: float or BaseSignal instance.
The variance of the data. It can be a float when the noise is Gaussian or a
instance if the noise is heteroscedastic, in which case it must have the same dimensions asdata
In some cases the variance can be calculated from the data using a simple
linear model: variance = (gain_factor * data + gain_offset) *
- gain_factor
type: Float
- gain_offset
type: Float
- correlation_factor
type: Float
- parameters_estimation_method
type: Str
This node is “private” and therefore is not displayed when printing the
attribute. For example, an “energy” leaf
should be accompanied by an “energy_units” leaf.
Generated when using stack()
. Used by
, to retrieve the former list of signal.
- step_sizes
type: list of int
Step sizes used that can be used in split.
- axis
type: int
The axis index in axes manager on which the dataset were stacked.
Constains parameters that related to the folding/unfolding of signals.