“Something went wrong!”
If you find yourself unable to complete some of the steps in this guide, or if the application doesn’t do something it should or is supposed to, please consider letting us know. The best way is maybe to go to the HyperSpy gitter chat first to discuss the issue, but if there’s no help forthcoming, please submit an issue on the HyperSpyUI Github page.
Known issues#
For a list of previously reported issues, see the HyperSpyUI Github page. At the time of release, no major issues are known, but the following can be worth noticing:
- Closed signals are not always cleared from memory
This is dependent on Pythons garbadge collector, and might be caused by remaining references to the signal held by parts of the UI or matplotlib figures. A program restart might be necessary to solve this, but using Close All (signals) might also help clearing out any remaining references.
- Signals can get stuck in “limbo”
If a signal gets stuck in an invalid state, it might be problematic to close it fully. Similar to the above problem, this might be fixed by the Close All (signals) action, or in the last resort a program restart might be necessary.
Error output#
To help diagnose problems, it would be helpful to include the application
log. Depending on how you launch the program, there are different ways of
obtaining this log output. The easiest is if the program is launched from
a terminal, in which case the log is piped directly to its console. If
you’ve not launched it with a terminal, the log is attempted written to
the folder of hyperspyui. If that location is noe writable,
the log file is attempted written to the users home folder (OS dependent).
In either case, the log file is named hyperspyui.log
For a complete error output to the above sources, the Console completion type settings option should be disabled.