hyperspyui.plugins.cmappicker module
Created on Wed Jan 20 22:32:58 2016
@author: Vidar Tonaas Fauske
- class hyperspyui.plugins.cmappicker.CMapDelegate(width, height, cmap_shift, *args, **kwargs)
Delegate responsible for drawing a the entries in the colormap combobox.
In addition to drawing a preview of the colormap, it also allows for parent elements to be added (group headings). The colormaps will be prepended by a set amount to prevent overlapping with the text.
- static _create_pixmap(line, height)
- sizeHint(self, option: QStyleOptionViewItem, index: QModelIndex) QSize
- class hyperspyui.plugins.cmappicker.CMapPickerPlugin(main_window)
- change_cmap(cmap, mpl_axes=None)
- create_widgets()
- name = 'Color map picker'
- class hyperspyui.plugins.cmappicker.CMapPickerWidget(main_window, parent, figure=None)
- _on_figure_change(figure)
Called when a connected update triggers. If the window is valid, it sets up the traitsui dialog capture, and calls cb_make_dialog. If the window is invalid, it clears the widget.
- _on_select(cmap)
- create_controls()
- disable()
- enable(enabled=True)
- static make_parent_item(text)
- update_controls_from_fig()
- hyperspyui.plugins.cmappicker.tr(text)