hyperspyui.plugins.stylesheet module#
- class hyperspyui.plugins.stylesheet.AutoIndentMode#
Provides automatic stylesheet-specific auto indentation.
- _get_indent(cursor)#
Return the indentation text (a series of spaces or tabs)
- Parameters:
cursor – QTextCursor
- Returns:
Tuple (text before new line, text after new line)
- class hyperspyui.plugins.stylesheet.StyleDialog(plugin, ui, parent)#
A dialog for editing Qt palette and stylesheet.
Edits and sets Qt’s application wide palette and stylesheet. See http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/stylesheet.html, and http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/qpalette.html for documentation of the effects of various settings, and the style sheet syntax.
- _clear_styles()#
Reset style inputs to default values
- _on_cbo_change(selection)#
Callback for when palette-mode selection changes
- _on_color_pick(key, color)#
Callback when a palette color has been picked
- _setvis_palette_entry(key, show)#
Show/hide specific palette entries
- apply()#
Apply current palette and stylesheet application wide
- create_controls()#
Build the editor’s controls
- create_palette_colors()#
Create the controls for editing the palette
- load()#
Load palette and stylesheet from the plugin’t settings
- pairs = [('Window', 'WindowText'), ('Base', 'Text'), ('Button', 'ButtonText'), ('ToolTipBase', 'ToolTipText'), ('Highlight', 'HighlightedText'), ('Light', 'Midlight'), ('Mid', 'Dark'), ('Link', 'LinkVisited')]#
- palette_entries = {'basic': ('Window', 'WindowText'), 'extended': ('Base', 'Text', 'ToolTipBase', 'ToolTipText', 'Button', 'ButtonText'), 'full': ('Highlight', 'HighlightedText', 'BrightText', 'Light', 'Midlight', 'Mid', 'Dark', 'Shadow', 'Link', 'LinkVisited', 'NoRole')}#
- save()#
Store the palette and stylesheet to the plugin’s settings
- update_palette_controls()#
Update palette controls from internal QPalette
- class hyperspyui.plugins.stylesheet.StylePlugin(*args, **kwargs)#
- apply_styles()#
- create_actions()#
- edit_dialog()#
- name = 'Style'#
- hyperspyui.plugins.stylesheet.tr(text)#