hyperspy.io_plugins.image module

hyperspy.io_plugins.image.file_reader(filename, **kwds)

Read data from any format supported by imageio (PIL/pillow). For a list of formats see https://imageio.readthedocs.io/en/stable/formats.html

  • filename ({str, pathlib.Path, bytes, file}) – The resource to load the image from, e.g. a filename, pathlib.Path, http address or file object, see the docs for more info. The file format is defined by the file extension that is any one supported by imageio.

  • format (str, optional) – The format to use to read the file. By default imageio selects the appropriate for you based on the filename and its contents.

  • **kwds (keyword arguments) – Allows to pass keyword arguments supported by the individual file readers as documented at https://imageio.readthedocs.io/en/stable/formats.html

hyperspy.io_plugins.image.file_writer(filename, signal, scalebar=False, scalebar_kwds=None, output_size=None, imshow_kwds=None, **kwds)

Writes data to any format supported by pillow. When output_size or scalebar or imshow_kwds is used, imshow() is used to generate a figure.

  • filename ({str, pathlib.Path, bytes, file}) – The resource to write the image to, e.g. a filename, pathlib.Path or file object, see the docs for more info. The file format is defined by the file extension that is any one supported by imageio.

  • signal (a Signal instance) –

  • scalebar (bool, optional) – Export the image with a scalebar. Default is False.

  • scalebar_kwds (dict, optional) – Dictionary of keyword arguments for the scalebar. Useful to set formattiong, location, etc. of the scalebar. See the documentation of the ‘matplotlib-scalebar’ library for more information.

  • output_size ({tuple of length 2, int, None}, optional) –

    The output size of the image in pixels (width, height):

    • if int, defines the width of the image, the height is determined from the aspec ratio of the image

    • if tuple of length 2, defines the width and height of the image. Padding with white pixels is used to maintain the aspect ratio of the image.

    • if None, the size of the data is used.

    For output size larger than the data size, “nearest” interpolation is used by default and this behaviour can be changed through the imshow_kwds dictionary. Default is None.

  • imshow_kwds (dict, optional) – Keyword arguments dictionary for imshow().

  • **kwds (keyword arguments, optional) – Allows to pass keyword arguments supported by the individual file writers as documented at https://imageio.readthedocs.io/en/stable/formats.html when exporting an image without scalebar. When exporting with a scalebar, the keyword arguments are passed to the pil_kwargs dictionary of savefig()