hyperspyui.plugins.mva module#

Created on Fri Dec 12 23:44:01 2014

@author: Vidar Tonaas Fauske

class hyperspyui.plugins.mva.MVA_Plugin(main_window)#

Bases: Plugin

Implements MVA decomposition utilities.

_decompose_threaded(callback, label, signal=None, algorithm=None, ns=None)#
_do_bss(s, n_components, algorithm=None)#

Makes sure we have BSS results. If results already are available, it will only recalculate if the force parameter is True.

_do_decomposition(s, force=False, algorithm=None)#

Makes sure we have decomposition results. If results already are available, it will only recalculate if the force parameter is True.


Get a valid signal. If the signal is none, it ues the currently selected one. If the signal type is not float, it either converts it, or gets a copy of the correct type, depending on the ‘convert_copy’ setting.

_perform_model(ns, n_components)#
_record(autosig, model, signal, n_components)#
_show_scree(ns, callback)#
bss(signal=None, n_components=None, advanced=False)#

Performs decomposition if neccessary, then plots the scree for the user to select the number of components to use for a blind source separation. The selection is made by clicking on the scree, which closes the scree and creates the model.

bss_model(signal=None, n_components=None, advanced=False)#

Performs decomposition if neccessary, then plots the scree for the user to select the number of components to use for a blind source separation model. The selection is made by clicking on the scree, which closes the scree and creates the model.


Clears the learning results from the signal.

coc_values = {'convert': 'Convert', 'copy': 'Copy'}#
do_after_scree(model, signal=None, n_components=None)#

Performs decomposition, then plots the scree for the user to select the number of components to use for a decomposition model. The selection is made by clicking on the scree, which closes the scree and creates the model.

name = 'MVA'#
pca(signal=None, n_components=None, advanced=False)#

Performs decomposition, then plots the scree for the user to select the number of components to use for a decomposition model. The selection is made by clicking on the scree, which closes the scree and creates the model.

plot_decomposition_results(signal=None, advanced=False)#

Performs decomposition if necessary, then plots the decomposition results according to the hyperspy implementation.

selection_rules(win, action)#

Callback to determine if action is valid for the passed window.

hyperspyui.plugins.mva.align_yaxis(ax1, v1, ax2, v2)#

adjust ax2 ylimit so that v2 in ax2 is aligned to v1 in ax1

hyperspyui.plugins.mva.make_advanced_dialog(ui, algorithms=None)#