
Reader for spectroscopy data saved using Renishaw’s WiRE software. Currently, RosettaSciIO can only read the .wdf format from Renishaw.

If LumiSpy is installed, Luminescence will be used as the signal_type.


There are many different options for the axes according to the format specifications. However, only a limited subset is tested: Spectral (Wavelength and Raman Shift) for the signal axes and X, Y, Z, FocusTrackZ and Time for navigation axes. Reading maps obtained in a serpentine path is not implemented.

This reader is based on the py-wdf-reader, which is inspired by the matlab reader from Alex Henderson. Moreover, inspiration is taken from gwyddion’s reader.

API functions#

rsciio.renishaw.file_reader(filename, lazy=False, use_uniform_signal_axis=True, load_unmatched_metadata=False)#

Read Renishaw’s .wdf file.

filenamestr, pathlib.Path

Filename of the file to read or corresponding pathlib.Path.

lazybool, default=False

Whether to open the file lazily or not.

use_uniform_signal_axisbool, default=False

Can be specified to choose between non-uniform or uniform signal axes. If True, the scale attribute is calculated from the average delta along the signal axis and a warning is raised in case the delta varies by more than 1%.

load_unmatched_metadatabool, default=False

Some of the original_metadata cannot be matched (no key, just value). Part of this is a VisualBasic-Script used for data acquisition (~230kB), which blows up the size of original_metadata. If this option is set to True, this metadata will be included and can be accessed by s.original_metadata.UNMATCHED, otherwise the UNMATCHED tag will not exist.

list of dict

List of dictionaries containing the following fields:

  • ‘data’ – multidimensional numpy.ndarray or dask.array.Array

  • ‘axes’ – list of dictionaries describing the axes containing the fields ‘name’, ‘units’, ‘index_in_array’, and either ‘size’, ‘offset’, and ‘scale’ or a numpy array ‘axis’ containing the full axes vector

  • ‘metadata’ – dictionary containing the parsed metadata

  • ‘original_metadata’ – dictionary containing the full metadata tree from the input file