Gallery of Examples#
This gallery contains the commented code for short examples illustrating simple tasks that can be performed with HyperSpy.
Gallery of examples on using HyperSpy markers.
Signal Creation#
Below is a gallery of examples on creating a signal and plotting.
Data Visualization#
This gallery shows how to plot data using the convenience functions
, plot_images()
Unlike the plot()
, these functions
can plot multiple signal together and can be useful to compose figure
comparing signals, etc.
This gallery of examples is relevant to users interested in developping HyperSpy extensions and illustrates some of the HyperSpy implementions and patterns.

Implementation of a model supporting convolution of components
Loading, saving and exporting#
Below is a gallery of examples on loading, saving and exporting data.
Model fitting#
Below is a gallery of examples on model fitting.
Making Custom Layouts for Plots#
Below is a gallery of examples on making simple custom layouts for plotting data
using matplotlib.figure.SubFigure
Plotting data with subfigures is slower than using separates figures.
Below is a gallery of examples on signal processing.
Region of Interest#
Below is a gallery of examples on using regions of interest with HyperSpy signals.
Simple simulations#
Below is a gallery of examples on simulating signals which can be used to test HyperSpy functionalities