
Gallery of examples on using HyperSpy markers.

Ragged Points

Ragged Points

Arrow markers

Arrow markers

Vertical Line Markers

Vertical Line Markers

Circle Markers with Radius Dependent Coloring

Circle Markers with Radius Dependent Coloring

Text Markers

Text Markers

Line Markers

Line Markers

Varying number of arrows per navigation position

Varying number of arrows per navigation position

Circle Markers

Circle Markers

Filled Circle Markers

Filled Circle Markers

Rotation of markers

Rotation of markers

Add/Remove items from existing Markers

Add/Remove items from existing Markers

Polygon Markers

Polygon Markers

Ellipse markers

Ellipse markers

Square Markers

Square Markers

Star Markers

Star Markers

Rectangle Markers

Rectangle Markers

Arrow markers

Arrow markers

Creating Markers from a signal

Creating Markers from a signal

Making Inset Images

Making Inset Images

Transforms and Units

Transforms and Units

Signal Creation#

Below is a gallery of examples on creating a signal and plotting.

Creates a signal1D from a text file

Creates a signal1D from a text file

Creates a line spectrum

Creates a line spectrum

Creates a signal1D from tabular data

Creates a signal1D from tabular data

Creates a 3D image

Creates a 3D image

Creates a spectrum image

Creates a spectrum image

Creates a 4D image

Creates a 4D image

Data Visualization#

This gallery shows how to plot data using the convenience functions plot_spectra(), plot_images() and plot_signals(). Unlike the plot(), these functions can plot multiple signal together and can be useful to compose figure comparing signals, etc.

Composing Figure

Composing Figure

Specifying Matplotlib Axis

Specifying Matplotlib Axis


This gallery of examples is relevant to users interested in developping HyperSpy extensions and illustrates some of the HyperSpy implementions and patterns.

Component convolution

Component convolution

Implementation of a model supporting convolution of components

Implementation of a model supporting convolution of components

Loading, saving and exporting#

Below is a gallery of examples on loading, saving and exporting data.

Export single spectrum

Export single spectrum

Adjust contrast and save RGB images

Adjust contrast and save RGB images

Model fitting#

Below is a gallery of examples on model fitting.

Plot Residual

Plot Residual

Simple arctan fit

Simple arctan fit

Making Custom Layouts for Plots#

Below is a gallery of examples on making simple custom layouts for plotting data using matplotlib.figure.SubFigure.


Plotting data with subfigures is slower than using separates figures.

Creating Custom Layouts

Creating Custom Layouts

ROI Insets

ROI Insets


Below is a gallery of examples on signal processing.

Baseline Removal

Baseline Removal

Region of Interest#

Below is a gallery of examples on using regions of interest with HyperSpy signals.

SpanROI on signal axis

SpanROI on signal axis

Create Map from ROI in signal space

Create Map from ROI in signal space



Navigator ROI

Navigator ROI

Create Map from CircleROI in signal space

Create Map from CircleROI in signal space

Live FFT

Live FFT

Combine PolygonROI

Combine PolygonROI

Extract line profile from image interactively

Extract line profile from image interactively

Interactive integration of one dimensional signal

Interactive integration of one dimensional signal

Simple simulations#

Below is a gallery of examples on simulating signals which can be used to test HyperSpy functionalities

Simple simulation (2 Gaussians)

Simple simulation (2 Gaussians)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery