Simple arctan fit#

Fit an arctan function.

Simple arctan fit Signal
Model1D: Simple arctan fit
CurrentComponentValues: Arctan
Active: True
Parameter Name |    Free |      Value |        Std |        Min |        Max | Linear
============== | ======= | ========== | ========== | ========== | ========== | ======
             A |    True | 1.00175614 | 0.00209331 |       None |       None |   True
             k |    True | 1.03344379 | 0.08730863 |       None |       None |  False
            x0 |    True | 0.08140899 | 0.07648544 |       None |       None |  False

import numpy as np
import hyperspy.api as hs

# Generate the data and make the spectrum
data = np.arctan(np.arange(-500, 500))
s = hs.signals.Signal1D(data)
s.axes_manager[0].offset = -500
s.axes_manager[0].units = ""
s.axes_manager[0].name = "x"
s.metadata.General.title = "Simple arctan fit"


# Make the arctan component for use in the model
arctan_component = hs.model.components1D.Arctan()

# Create the model and add the arctan component
m = s.create_model()

# Fit the arctan component to the spectrum

# Print the result of the fit

# Plot the spectrum and the model fitting

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.589 seconds)

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