Interactive integration of one dimensional signal#

This example shows how to integrate a signal using an interactive ROI.

import hyperspy.api as hs

Create a signal:

Create SpanROI:

roi = hs.roi.SpanROI(left=10, right=20)

Slice signal with roi with the ROI. By using the interactive() function, the output signal s_roi will update automatically. The ROI will be added automatically on the signal figure:

sliced_signal = roi.interactive(s, axes=s.axes_manager.signal_axes)
# Choose the second figure as gallery thumbnail:
# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 2
  • Two Gaussians Navigator
  • Two Gaussians Signal

Create a placeholder signal for the integrated signal and set metadata:

integrated_sliced_signal = sliced_signal.sum(axis=-1).T
integrated_sliced_signal.metadata.General.title = "Integrated intensity"

Create the interactive computation, which will update when the ROI roi is changed. wWe use the out argument to place the results of the integration in the placeholder signal defined in the previous step:

<Signal2D, title: Integrated intensity, dimensions: (|32, 32)>

Plot the integrated sum signal:

Integrated intensity Signal

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1.350 seconds)

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